Color Mixing Experiments for Teachers

Do you know the primary colors? They're red, yellow, and blue, right? Not always. The primary colors of light are red, green, and blue. When combined, they make white. The primary colors of printing ink are magenta, yellow, and cyan. When combined, they make black. Color Filter Paddles include primary and secondary colors, polarizing filters, and diffraction gratings. Our Chromatography Discs allow students to separate most water-soluble inks into their original blended pigments, revealing their hidden identities. Color Splash Tablets are available in the primary colors of blue, red, and yellow. From these colors, your students can create more than two dozen different colors.
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  • Subtractive Color Theory Demonstration

    Subtractive Color Theory Demonstration

    Perfect for teaching the optics and physics of color mixing.
  • Chromatography Filter Paper

    Chromatography Filter Paper

    Separate water soluble inks, revealing their hidden identities.
  • Liquid Light Demo

    Liquid Light Demo

    Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon (3 reviews)
    Demonstrate the primary colors of light without a pricey light-box!
  • Color Splash Tablets

    Color Splash Tablets

    Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon (10 reviews)
    Finally a safe and STAIN-FREE alternative to food coloring!
  • Color Filter Paddles

    Color Filter Paddles

    Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon (1 review)
    Includes primary and secondary colors, polarizing filters, and diffraction gratings.
    *Backordered: 9/24/2024