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  • Wilesco D6 Steam Engine

    Wilesco D6 Steam Engine

    The Wilesco D6 steam engine features a horizontal boiler and oscillating cylinder.
    $153.95 $139.99
  • Wilesco D4 Steam Engine

    Wilesco D4 Steam Engine

    Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon (1 review)
    Wilesco presents the D4 steam engine, a model with candle operation.
    $198.30 $187.99
  • Wilesco D3 Steam Engine

    Wilesco D3 Steam Engine

    This is the smallest fuel tab fired Steam Engine in the Wilesco range.
  • WiTabs Dry Spirit Tablets

    WiTabs Dry Spirit Tablets

    12 tablets. Average burning time is approximately 10 minutes.
    *Backordered: 12/21/2024
  • Esbit 4 g Fuel Tablets, Pack of 20

    Esbit 4 g Fuel Tablets, Pack of 20

    20 tabs, each tab est. 5 minutes burn time.
  • Wilesco D105 Steam Engine with Add-On Generator/Light Kit

    Wilesco D105 Steam Engine with Add-On Generator/Light Kit

    Wilesco D10 steam engine with mirror polished and nickel plated boiler.
    $299.95 $279.99
  • Wilesco D18 Steam Engine with Integral Generator & Light

    Wilesco D18 Steam Engine with Integral Generator & Light

    Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon Review star icon (1 review)
    Steam engine with a black boiler housing and silver-colored engine plate.
    $469.99 $439.99
  • Wilesco D2 Mini Steam Engine

    Wilesco D2 Mini Steam Engine

    This steam engine is smaller than most other steam engine models.
    $99.95 $89.95
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