Critical Thinking Activities for Kids

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking skills are one of the most important things we can instill in students, and that is perhaps one of the main reasons we become teachers in the first place. At Educational Innovations, we provide tools to help you challenge and inspire your students so they will develop those skills. Hand them an Energy Tube or Energy Ball and ask them what activates the light and sound show. Place an ice cube on each of the Amazing Ice Melting Blocks at room temperature. One ice cube instantly begins to melt and is totally gone in about 90 seconds while the other ice cube shows no evidence of melting. Can your students tell you why? When the Poly Density Bottle is shaken, blue and white beads mix as expected. However, when allowed to settle, the beads separate, white at the top and blue at the bottom. Then, the two separated colored beads slowly come together in the center of the liquid. Let your students discuss theories behind this phenomenon!

Critical Thinking Learning Materials and Activities

As teachers, we want our students to be inquisitive. But what does it mean to "think like a scientist?" A key component is critical thinking. Learning materials that help your students to actively consider information, assess the validity of data, and form their own conclusions are an ideal way to bring critical thinking into your classroom.

Whether your students are trying to figure out why the beads float at different levels in our Poly Density Kit or are wondering which scientific principles are at work with our Atmospheric Mat, these critical thinking learning materials are bound to improve their skills and understanding of scientific phenomena. We agree with the scholar who wrote, "The value of science education might not always be in the facts, but in the thinking." Get your students thinking critically with activities from Educational Innovations!